Thursday, November 20, 2008

Student of the Month

Alli was chosen as Student of the month, which was celebrated in an assembly today. As the name of each student was read, their name and picture come up on the big screen.

Alli walked up to get her certificate,

and she now can eat free at a bunch of local restaurants!

Alli has really been looking forward to her assembly. As most of you know, last week Alli had a bad reaction to a virus and broke out in horrible red spots all over her body. Her biggest concern was making it to her assembly. She has recovered faster than I thought possible-the spots are supposed to take 2-6 weeks to disappear, but are fading faster than that. She was adamant that I not take her picture as a spotted lady, so you can tell how much better things are!

And, since we're talking about Alli, here's a funny Alli quip: we were waiting in the doctor's office while she was sick, and I called her Polka-Dot. I asked her if I could call her that from now on. Without missing a beat she replied, "sure, as long as I can call you 'Don't Call me Polka-Dot!'" I knew then that we had Alli back!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Catching Up-Pumpkin Patch

It still felt like summer, but we got ready for fall by visiting a pumpkin patch not too far from us. There were a lot of activities: corn mazes,
train rides, petting zoo, games, face painting, all kinds of fun things to do.
The girls all had fun playing in dried corn. Seriously, there were areas of corn to play in kind of like the balls at Chuck E Cheese. It was Alli and Mary's favorite part of the entire outing!

We also got to hold baby chickens-when they let us.

At the end we all agreed on a pumpkin to bring home.

Catching Up-Disneyland

As you know our camera wasn't working there for a while, so we had to use the backup old school camera. When I got the CD that I had made from the film I sent in, I discovered that our disk drive on our computer did not open up. My point is, it has taken way too long to get these pictures up, but I managed to get everything working the way it should again and so here is a little chunk of our lives that you all missed out on. I am sure you have all been suffering from the loss...

At the beginning of October we went to Disneyland. Jan came to visit and joined us on our trip. We were all looking forward to going and even made a chain of "disney facts" to help us count down the days.

Alli and Mary say hi to Goofy,

Alli and Mary at one of the parades. We were right up at the front and had fun having all the characters come up to us!
We had a great time-the weather was great, lines were short. Everything was decorated for Halloween and there were lots of characters to see.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Barnes and Noble

Today Alli had her first field trip of the school year to Barnes and Noble. Hazel and I met up with her class and had fun listening to Thanksgiving stories, making Thanksgiving crafts and of course, time for shopping (B&N aren't stupid). Alli had a good time and picked out a guinea pig that she named Lilly. What else would you get at Barnes and Noble?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fun with D week

Mary's preschool class highlights a letter each week. This week was the letter "D" so they had fun excavating dinosaurs from plaster and making a "cereal-asaurus". Mary has had fun doing these things this week, but today when I picked her up from school, she was dressed like a dalmation. I thought it was so cute I had to take a picture.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Ugh. No more candy. I am officially sick of Halloween, so I guess it's time to move on to Thanksgiving. Here are some highlights of our day...

Alli traded in her broom today for a different form of transportation. She had a fun party in her classroom which Quinn visited. Mary's preschool party was going on at the same time, so Hazel and I covered her party. Mary won the prize for "sweetest costume".

Halloween started to fizzle right around trick or treating time. Mary was done wearing braids, Quinn and Alli opted not to paint faces, and Hazel was so tired we didn't even bother dressing her up! We never did figure out wings for Arthur (who was supposed to be a flying monkey), so he became the cowardly lion. Keeping true to character, he wouldn't go up to a door that had a standing skeleton that glowed and made noises.
Alli and Mary had a lot of fun trick or treating. They got too much candy and now every few minutes they are asking if they can have more candy and are negotiating how many pieces they can have. Another successful Halloween!